My Top 10 Posts of 2021 | Life and Linda

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My Top 10 Posts of 2021

I  am sharing my top 10 posts from 2021, starting with number #1. It is always interesting to see which posts were viewed the most.
I hope you are all having a good start to the new year.  Cheers!

Many of you know Feedburner was going away, so this Fairy Blog Mother has been moving bloggers over to Mailchimp. I have also done a few blog makeovers as well. I appreciate each and every referral you have sent my way.  Below are a few blog makeover I did.


The Marmalade Gypsy

She Who Seeks

I thank you all for visiting my blog, any referrals and clients who believe in me.
I wish you a happy New year filled with love, good health, joy and hope.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I have loved everyone of your cute and beautiful table settings. They need to be in a book! You never disappoint with the cuteness or beauty when you do your tables. Happy New Year Linda. Have a great start to the new year. xoxo Kris

  2. I could never choose a favorite because I love all of them. I might be a little partial to the “keeper of the cloth” one because it is so special to pass it along. Cheers to more beautiful tables and posts, Linda!

  3. Linda, your posts are always filled with the most beautiful colors and I adore clicking over to take them all in. Looking forward to more in the new year!

  4. I remember all those tablescapes! Here's to more of them in 2022!

  5. I remember all the tablescapes, and the mermaid one was definitely a favorite! :D

  6. Fun to revisit..I hope there will be more in 2022....

  7. I enjoyed all of your posts from the past year. I certainly look forward to post in the new year showcasing your lovely home and lush gardens. Cheers!

  8. I can see why all of these were popular posts -- I remember them all! And one of the best things I did this year was have a new blog design by YOU! I love it and have received many compliments on it -- I always tell them to check with you! Happy New Year, Linda!

  9. Love your table setting, always so beautiful! And thanks again for my Blog remodel and fixing my subscribers with Mailchimp!
    You are a very professional and lovely lady!
    Hugs Roxy

  10. Congrats on a great blogging year, Linda! So glad I got to know you in 2021 (you rescued my from Feedburner hell), and I'm looking forward to following your posts in 2022! Happy New Year!

  11. I remember them all too:) Well done Linda..all much thought and creativity!

  12. A wonderful year in beautiful tables Linda! I had totally forgotten you were Keeper of the Cloth last year, I can't wait to find out who you have sent it to for this year ☘️ Your tablescapes are always so full of wonderful details and accessories, and so many pretties! Great job on the cute blog headers you have created~

  13. You've created a lot of beautiful tables last year. Wishing you a happy new year Linda.

  14. Happy New Year, dear Linda. Thanks for all the eye candy that you supply us with all year round!

  15. All these beautiful tables! Your magic was evident on both table designs as well as blog designs, Linda! Thank you!

  16. I loved scrolling through all your top posts, Linda. Your tables are always put together with such fabulous detail. I always look forward to seeing what you’re up to.

  17. So many favorites here! I enjoy looking back’

  18. Wow, Linda! You set the most amazing tables! Such a delightful experience for every guest! So much creativity and beautiful arrangements you come up with!

    I appreciate your help with my blog last year, that was such a blessing to get through that experience! Many blessings and wishes for God's best for you in the New Year!

  19. I've enjoyed all your tables! Though I seem to have missed the one with the bunny plates. Looking forward to lots more!
    Sandra @ Dinner at Eight

  20. So glad you posted this! I loved every one of your tablescapes last year. If you twisted my arm and forced me to pick a favorite I would... no not even then. I just loved them all!

  21. I can definitely see why these were all so popular! You really have a way with decorating.

  22. Thanks for all you do, Linda. I love seeing your tablescapes and your beautiful home. Everyone appreciates all your help..Happy New Year..xxoJudy


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