Lets Go Bananas! | Life and Linda

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Lets Go Bananas!

Since my granddaughter Michaela and her 4 kids were coming for a visit, I thought it would be fun to decorate with monkeys.  Let's Go bananas!  The kids are growing up fast.

I hung monkeys all around the palapa and some sat on the table.  Large blow up monkey sat in a chair. Lots of monkeying around going on.

How about a giant blow up monkey?

These furry little monkeys have the sweetest face and they are so easy to post on the table.

Mini bananas are added to the theme, because monkeys love bananas and so do the kiddos.

Michaela and the kids showed up on Wednesday. Lots of monkey business and swimming.  They spent the night and left the next day.  Friday was Michaela's birthday and the family went camping for three days.

They love the snow -cones.  I just ordered a new snow-cone machine because the previous one is having issues.

My granddaughter Michaela and I enjoying a strawberry daiquiri.

I found these adorable melamine monkey plates.

Saturday we had a surprise visit from my granddaughter Kailey and her husband and 4 kids.
 Paul grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone. I made banana pudding for the kids and Paul picked up a birthday cake for Ashland. Her birthday was actually June 17th. I also made a pasta salad.  We always have a snow-cone machine ready.

Table Source
Green plate chargers - Amazon
Monkey Plates - Mildred Hoit
Bamboo flatware - Horchow
Green goblets -Amazon
Hanging Monkeys - Amazon
Large Monkey Balloons - Amazon
Bananas, coconuts -market
Palm tree napkins - Kauai years ago
Monkey pitcher - Tuesday morning- years ago
Bird pillows- Temu
Woven Placemats - Pottery Barn -years ago

All of the kids had a great time swimming. They all want to come back.  I am still recovering from both visit.  I am off to get my nails done tomorrow with Jain. @aquietgardenlife

I love seeing the pool all lit up.   Happy summer.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I bet all your little monkeys loved the monkey decor!

  2. This is the cutest thing ever! I know all the children enjoyed the monkey theme and all the treats! I suppose you need a spa day after all the activity, though. Enjoy your day!

  3. They must ALL coming to your home..How fun and exciting for them.You make magic.They will never forget.

  4. Good Morning Linda. I bet the kids love coming to your home. It is like a resort for them. This monkey theme makes it even more fun. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  5. So much fun Linda! I'm sure all the kids loved it all! Monkeys, a swimming pool and a snow cone machine, they had to be in heaven!! I have a feeling they will all be back soon!

  6. AnonymousJune 25, 2024

    What an amazing memory you've created — for both the children and yourself!

  7. Linda, what a fun monkey theme and it looks like it was a big hit with the kids. It's wonderful to spend time with your family. Have a fun and relaxing time getting your nails done with Jain.

  8. This is such fun! Absolutely beyond delightful and I know your little (and not-so-little) ones had to enjoy it. Those are the kinds of things I think kids remember long after they are far older! Every touch is perfect (and by the way, they are adorable!)

  9. Linda, what fun to have these darling children in your life. I can just imagine the excitement they feel knowing they will be with you, swimming and playing with each other. You are a special grandmother! The special party setting must be exciting for these kids. What wonderful memories you are making for them. They will never forget spending time at your home! Happy Summer.

  10. Linda, it all looks wonderful. I bet all the 'kids had the best time. It must be fun to come to Grandma's house. Your garden and table are just beautiful..Happy Summer Days..xxoJudy

  11. What fun they must have had in your pool and the table theme is so cute! I am sure they can't wait to come back!!! enjoy them as they grow up so quickly!! Happy Summer

  12. Adorable Linda! I know a good time must have been had by all with the pool fun and snow cones! That water looks so inviting, it’s sweltering here. Happy Tuesday!

  13. so cool for the grands Linda. these are memories they will always have of grandma's house. You are the queen of theme for sure. stay cool as it is hot everywhere, time to lay in the pool and do nothing after the two visits.

  14. Your great grands are so cute! You are obviously a fun grandmother, they must love coming to your tropical paradise setting! Oh the memories that you are making with them! The table with the monkeys is adorable and what a fun and creative idea!

  15. What a cute post! Love the monkey theme. Where do you come up with all these ideas? Beautiful setting that's for sure. The children are lucky to be able to take advantage of it. Enjoy your day.

  16. Linda you are the most fun Nana! I know the kids had such a fun time with your monkey theme going on. The kids sure are growing up fast.

  17. Oh my goodness! My Littles would absolutely fall in love with all the monkeys! Love it!

  18. I bet the kids loved the banana/monkey themed table! That is so cute!


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