2020 Comment Notification for Blogger | Life and Linda

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2020 Comment Notification for Blogger

Hello friends, it seems like Blogger is constantly changing.  We have to keep on our toes to see how things work.  I noticed sometimes my comment notification email quit working, so I go back in and try to add my email.

I always try to share any new updates that are affecting Blogger.

Well, with the new Blogger, if you go to Settings, Email and then Comment Notification emails, it says No comment notification email.

Puzzling.  You cannot click it and add your email.
So, the new place to add your email is:  Settings * Email * Invite More People to comment notification emails.

Type in your email address and click send.

You will receive an email that looks like this: Click Subscribe.

Once you click subscribe, you will receive something like this. You are all set to receive email notification when people comment on your blog.

Have fun with the changes.  I noticed some things have already changed after I posted how to maneuver the New Blogger.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Thanks for keeping us informed, Linda.

  2. Hi Linda, I was wondering about the commenting emails. Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us. Hope you enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

  3. Linda, once again, thank you for the update.

  4. I will check into this! Mercy....my mind can't handle another change! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Thank you Linda I just went in and did this. So far so good. Thanks for all your help always.

  6. I think that's the one thing I didn't break on my blog! I am getting comment notifications in my inbox. I have been getting familiar with the new blogger. Overall I am liking it. There are a few things I don't like in editing, but that's ok. I'm getting used to it!

  7. Thanks Linda! I need to update this for sure.

  8. I'm not on new blogger:( But THANK YOU..:) And I have never done email not..maybe I should.

  9. ¡¡¡Vaya Linda!!! Gracias por la información

  10. Thanks for keeping us updated on new Blogger's quirks, Linda! I'm bookmarking all such posts. Blogger hasn't switched me over yet, but surely it will any day now.

  11. Oh Linda, thank you for this helpful info. It's so frustrating trying to keep on top of all the changes. You are much appreciated!!!! Happy August sweet friend........

  12. Thanks, Linda, worked good. This is scaring me because the new is really kind of easy. What am I missing?!!! So far so good, I think..Stay well..xxoJudy

  13. Thanks for the information !

  14. Thank you so much! This has been driving me crazy for months. Really great to finally have a solution to receive notifications again.

  15. They could have made it more difficult. Not sure how. Thank you very much - I had spent ages trying to unravel this.

  16. Very helpful! A puzzling interface Blogger has now adopted. Thanks for sorting it out.

  17. YOU are a DOLL for posting this!!! Thank YOU...

  18. Thanks so much, Linda.

    I read this notice and started the procedure but wasn't sure where to go from there. I'm also grappling with loading images to my posts. Once I hit that icon and go to the page to upload images, I go through hoops to find photos via Google archive, albums, Finder, and downloads. Sometimes I can drag images from downloads on my dashboard to my blogger template. It's so frustrating. Many bloggers have tried to help and they all have different methods. How can this be?

    I'm going to search your blog for anything you've addressed on this problem before. Thanking you in advance!

    Jane x

  19. Thank you! This has been driving me nuts and this new route to get comment notifications doesn't make sense at all. Why, Blogger, why do you change things that worked perfectly fine!!!!

  20. Thank You so much for this info Linda ... I can't tell you how grateful I am. I have just spent several weeks (!!!) trying to figure this out .. I should have googled this sooner. Thanks again.

  21. Goodness me, how more confusing can it get?!? I wonder what the guys at Google are smoking.
    You are a lifesaver Linda. Thank you very much for this post.

  22. Thanks, Linda. My comment notifications disappeared and I was baffled. I fund your post, which saved the day. Thanks, again.

  23. I appreciate you sharing this post with us. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

  24. Hi Linda~ this problem drives me nuts! I followed what you said and after I enter my email and send...it comes back with 'All invitees are already subscribers or invited'. Any thing new pop up that will fix this???

  25. I have the same problem as Vicki. It tells me 'all invitees are already subscribers or invited'. This is so frustrating!


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