My Birthday 2024 | Life and Linda

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My Birthday 2024

Jain and I get together to have Mani's and Pedi's.  Scott, Jain's husband also loves getting a pedicure. We then go out to lunch and our husbands join us. Both our husbands are engineers and are rather quiet.

For my birthday, which is April Fool's Day, Paul planned a brunch up in Nevada City for the 5 of us. Paul, myself, my son Jason, Jain and Scott. We stopped by Jain and Scott's house to look at their beautiful gardens. They have an amazing assortment of Iris and a gorgeous rose garden. Such a treat to see it in person.

Jain arranged a lovely vignette for my birthday complete with champagne.. The 5 of us enjoy sipping champagne while taking in the beauty of their gardens. Such a lovely surprise.  Thank you Jain.
Jain and Scott were so generous with their gifts to me.  A beautiful 3D lemon basket and lemon plates. Also the darling solar mermaid and moss purse filled with flowers from her garden.

Some lovely bubbly.
We moved to the back of their property to take a few photos.  I can never get Jain to be in any photos.

My husband made reservations at Lola 's for 5. for brunch in Nevada City. We all enjoyed a fabulous brunch.  Nevada City today has rebounded time and time again to be a unique blend of history. yesterday and today.
Miss Lola had to come to Lola's for a photo op.

The Grand lounge of the Exchange Hotel. The hotel is beautiful. I love seeing the renovation and how they are keeping a piece of history alive.

Next we visited  Alexander's Station. Steakhouse. Scott loves trains, so we thought he would enjoy seeing the restaurant and train.   They specialize in events and they have a short train ride on Saturdays.

 It also features train cars for dining.
Me having fun with the totem pole by the train station.

The very next day, my girlfriends held a birthday party for me at a restaurant. These ladies who attended are special friends.  My girlfriends June & Karen planned my party.  The theme was Enchanted Garden  We each wore a flower headband.

The table was decorated beautifully with fairy lights, rose petals, and party favor bags for each guest. Karen did the shopping and planning for the party. Thanks so much my sweet friends.

              June                                                                                                                 Karen
My gift table.  Special gifts from my very special friends.
The table with cake and party favors.
The cake Karen ordered has a special meaning. A woman goes into this bakery once a year to purchase a cake. She doesn't take the cake. She pays for it and says the next person who comes in to order a cake, there is no charge to that person. The one condition was the person picking up the cake was to read the card.. This woman's nephew Derek, died at a young age and this beautiful pay it forward was so special to Derek's memory. The card is below.

I want to thank all of my friends for making my birthday so special. The best gift of all is the gift of special friendships,  Also a big thank you to my Traveling Tote ladies who sent me such lovely birthday cards. Most of the ladies who attended my birthday are former cloggers. thus The Traveling Shoes.

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. You certainly had a beautiful birthday. You are always surrounded by color and flowers… the pretty things in life. I’m glad you had a wonderful time and have so many good friends. Says a lot Linda

  2. Linda, I'm thrilled you were celebrated in style by Paul and friends. Jain's champagne celebration, the lunch in Nevada City, and your girlfriend lunch each look like beautiful celebrations. You always look fabulous and never age! Beautiful nails too! I love the story of the cake. It's a beautiful cake, but the story is even more so. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!

  3. Happy birthday Linda...what a wonderful day for you. thank you for sharing.

  4. I am so happy you had such a beautiful time for your Birthday. Being with friends is the best gift. I love the decorations and gift bags. Love the flower headbands so cute. The story about the pay it forward makes it all even more special for your birthday. Big Hugs. Kris

  5. So glad you had this wonderful birthday celebration Linda! xo

    Deb C.

  6. Linda, you are celebrated and loved by so many…Happy birthday! I love all the special ways you were celebrated, Jain’s champagne celebration, Paul’s plans for the day, and your clogging friends party. I love the pay it forward story!

  7. Wow, your Special Day was SUPER SPECIAL! Your friends and family pulled out all the stops to celebrate you! And it's only what you deserve! Happy Birthday and may the whole upcoming year be fabulous just like these celebrations!

  8. Dear Linda! HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎂!!! It looks like it was a very special day. You are so loved by so many! You are so beautiful, inside and out, and are such a blessing. May the Lord's richest blessings be yours continually.

  9. Happy Birthday to you. Hope you had a wonderful day with friends and family.

  10. Oh how I so enjoyed sharing your birthdays with you! It was delightful that you included us to brunch at that delicious restaurant and enjoyed downing champagne with you 2 days in a row! Its been so much fun meeting you and setting up fun times together from nails to hot tubs and dining! It was so kind of you to include me with your ladies luncheon, they made it a very special celebration for you. The story of your cake brought tears to my eyes again, you need to get a photo of that its so special. Cheers to many more fun times in our future, really loved seeing this post, so touching!

  11. Happy Birthday, Linda! You had a grand celebration with love ones - both family and friends! You are a very special, lovely lady and it was fun seeing how you were celebrated on your day! You are truly loved!

  12. What a very special birthday celebration for such a special lady! The love so many have for you is so evident, and is such a blessing! I love the story of the cake, and what a beautiful cake it is! I'm glad that you were celebrated in such a sweet way! Many blessings to you!

  13. I was the anonymous poster above, and not sure why it listed me as anonymous! Anyway - just another chance to wish you Happy Birthday!

  14. You are loved:) How very special:) So many dear friends!

  15. Linda, what a special birthday celebration with your family and friends. I love that theme and the pretty cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  16. Your birthday looks fabulous and you look even more so! Not a day older, I think! I have a feeling we might be seeing a lemon-themed tablescape in our future here! What lovely gifts and what special friends. I love seeing a marvelous celebration continue and I hope yours goes on for many days (and years!) to come!

  17. Happy Birthday Linda! What fun between Jain's champagne celebration, brunch and your cloggers’ party. Love the sweet sentiment and memory behind the cake. Wishing you many happy birthday celebrations to come! 🎂🎉🥳

  18. Linda, what a beautiful birthday you many lovely ways to celebrate and with so many friends. You look fabulous in all your photos and so happy! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead, Happy Birthday!!

  19. Oh Linda, you had an enchanting birthday! Celebrating with loved ones and friends in style and such lovely gardens. You are always beautiful in your pictures and I love the story of the cake. I love how Paul makes everything so special for you.

  20. Such a beautiful birthday celebration. 🎂

  21. What a fun and fabulous birthday Linda! Family, friends, champagne, it doesn't get any better than that! You looked beautiful, especially in your flower crown! I'm sure your friends went all out for you, their hostess with the mostest! It's so wonderful that you and Jain have become such good friends and have so much in common~ like entertaining in a grand style! Thanks for sharing, so much fun to see the photos
    ❤️ Jenna

  22. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration.

  23. Linda, what a special occasion. How wonderful that you could share it with such good friends. I don't know how you and Jain keep such beautiful hands with the gorgeous gardens that you both have. Happy belated birthday..xxoJudy

  24. Linda, te felicito por tu cumpleaños y por esas amigas tan encantadoras y marchosas que tienes. Todo el mundo recoge lo que siembra y tu has debido sembrar muy bien para tener ese entorno tan encantador. Un beso muy grande


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