Fun in The Sun With The Tales of The Traveling Tote | Life and Linda

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Fun in The Sun With The Tales of The Traveling Tote

Welcome friends, today the gals of The Tales of the Traveling Tote are sharing a special edition of Fun in the Sun.

 Lilly at High Hand Nursery.  Lilly stayed a week with us.  We had lots of fun and outings. The two of us went to see the Lion King.  I bought Lilly the Mackenzie Childs lunch tote.  She named her tote, miss Lulu.So....miss Lola and miss Lulu were hanging out.

miss Lola and miss Lulu with Nana and Lilly Dot.

Lilly loves to bake, so we baked a sprinkle cake with cream cheese frosting.

Lilly and miss Lulu playing with her lol dolls in the bling room.  I slept with her in this guest bedroom.  Every night, we watched the baking show, Nailed It!

All smiles getting her nails done.

Lilly and Logan playing in the pool. Fun in the sun with the family.

My granddaughter Michaela and Logan cooling off.

Getting veggies and fresh flowers at the local farmer's market. 
The flowers are so lovely and affordable.

Lilly and I having more fun with Snapchat.
I will leave you with this awesome airplane.  Hubby and myself went to have lunch at Wings, a local restaurant at the airport.  I saw this red plane with black and white checks.  How cool is this?

 August will soon be here.  Stay cool!

Now for the Giveaway. Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box is hosting a giveaway on her blog.  Visit  her blog and leave a comment for a chance to win.

I hope you visit each blog below to see where their Traveling Totes have taken them.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C @ Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women 

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. I LOVE that you are starting them young!! Lili looks so cute with Lulu!! You must have really enjoyed your time with her, she makes the perfect lil chef!! Your pool looks like the perfect place to enjoy some "fun in the sun" - and I am sure the grandchildren love coming there!! Enjoy the rest of the summer!!

  2. Linda, what fun you are having!!! I know Lili will always remember this summer visit with you. Making memories with your grands is the best! You pool is a tropical paradise. It looks like a resort! I love that Lili has her own CC tote, Miss Lulu. How cute is that!!! Thanks for sharing all your fun in the sun adventures! Happy August!

  3. I love your little grandgirl. She is adorable and takes right after you! What fun! Love the pictures of both of you and the one of her with her cute MC lunch bag--what a lucky little girl! Hope you have a really great Wednesday- xo Diana
    ps- You look great as you are recovering from your most recent surgery!

  4. Two pretty girls with gorgeous purses. LOL. What a fun time. Being with your grandgirl had to be the best fun. Oh that pool looks so inviting. Yes, I love that plane. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. I love Miss Lola and Miss Lulu - how incredibly cute for Lilly Dot to be a junior member of the tote tribe for the fun in the sun! Linda you look adorable in your dress at the farmer's market. Love your hair!

  6. Lilly and Linda..and Lulu cute..Oh she's a doll Linda..I am sure she feels so very special with you.

  7. You are such a fun grandmother Linda! I love Miss Lulu the lunch tote, how sweet!! I know family must love visiting you and enjoying your gorgeous pool! You are making wonderful memories with them!

  8. Linda, I love all the pics of Lilly and her tote Lulu, so cute. Looks like you two had a fun time when she came to visit and what a fun little helper in the kitchen! And more fun when Michaela and Logan were there. I'm sure that was a fabulous time for you. You are looking fabulous out and about with Miss Lola. Enjoy the summer fun in August........

  9. Oh, my, your pool is absolutely gorgeous. Looks like something at a resort. And, Miss Lola and Lulu are too cute! As always, fun to stop by!

  10. Lilly and Lulu go great together. She is precious and I love having fun in the sun.

  11. Linda, I loved every single thing about this post. Such wonderful memories you both made and what fun you girls had. I know all those LOL dolls! Mercy....we have quite a few needless to say. Loving LULU......And...I am loving your dress holding those beautiful flowers. You are lovely dear Linda. Such a sweet and heart felt post to read this afternoon. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Enjoying fun in the sun with the grand-kids and family at home are the best! And you really know how to create wonderful memories! Love seeing Lilly and LuLu and how you're bonding over baking! And your pool is to die for - picture perfect!!! So fabulous with all the exotic plants!

  13. Linda, Lilly is a doll and she is adorable with Miss Lulu. I loved all the photos and all of your fun activities. Grandchildren are the best!

  14. Love that your sweet Lilly now has a traveling tote of her own. Hoe fun she could name hers too. I bet she had the best time with you. Lots of fun activities and memories made. Have a great week Linda. You look great.

  15. How fun for you and Lily Dot, Linda! Her little Lulu lunch tote is adorable! My Haroer loves the LOL dolls, too. Your pool looks like a lush and tropical!! I hope you’re healing well, dear Linda! xx

  16. Aw, this is the sweetest post! Lilly is so cute. I know she loves spending time with you, especially in that gorgeous pool! A sprinkle cake sounds delicious! Y'all are so cute with your "matching" totes, too.

    Adorable post, my Sweet Friend!

    Have a wonderful rest of your summer. It's almost over! *sadface*


  17. Lily is such a cutie pie. muahhh! XOXO

  18. Happy August Linda, this post is adorable! I love that Miss Lola had a summer friend Miss Lulu to hang out with. And that plane!!!! You need to take Miss Lola and yourself for a flight :-) Have a wonderful August, and say hello to Paul. xo

  19. How fun! Lily looks so cute with her own tote! The video of you guys in the pool was cute! That plane was totally cool!

  20. I love Lili having a totem and she's adorable. Love that she named it too. You seem to love your grandchildren very much. Such great memories you're making for you both.

    Yes that plane was very cool.


  21. Hi Linda, oh it looks like you and Lilly had such a good time together with the totes! The garden center looks so nice and the farmers market too. I know you all had a lot of fun at your pool. It sounds like you are having a nice summer.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

  22. I want to be Lilly and come and play! What fun you had. I would watch baking shows and float in the pool all day! She is one lucky girl. I love that she named her lunch tote Lulu!

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