I'm Back! | Life and Linda

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I'm Back!

It's time to work on my blog again and gets some posts going.  Geez, I was out of commission for so long.
I recently went shopping and was lucky enough to find April Cornell's tablecloth and matching napkins at home Goods. I think it will perfect for my Beehive covered soup tureens.
Do I sound anxious for Spring?

Here's a look!

Here's the napkin with the April Cornell napkin ring.  The napkins came in a set of 12.

I found this cute beehive candle holder at Ross.

       This I also found at home Goods.

You may recognize the Bee soup tureen from Susan's blog.  www.betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com

And of course the "Napolean Bee" flatware from Horchow

I am happy to be back.  I need to do some work on my blog, so bear with me.I have missed everyone!  I am so looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to.

Take care! 


About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. Hi there, good to see you back! I love your napkins and rings, so cute. Looking forward to your projects, I have missed seeing you out here..but I do see you...so that is good.

  2. I love it all! Can't wait to see a tablescape! XO, P

  3. Welcome back!!! Love your new things, great finds, esp. the napkin rings!!! hugs...cleo

  4. So glad you are back! I love April Cornell's place mats, tablecloths and napkins too! I love this pattern you found and it's perfect with your beehive theme!

  5. Welcome back! I love your recent "finds" which scream of Spring! Look forward to seeing the beautiful tablescape you create! Becca

  6. hey Linda, so glad to see you backhope your feeling better, love the table cloth and napkins and really love the utensils, Looks like your nready for spring.

  7. Oh so happy to hear you're up and about again!!
    Love April Cornell...blue and yellow are such happy colors together..
    Don'tcha just LOVE Home Goods? Did you go to the Roseville one, or is there another one around??
    After living up here for 5 years you'd think I'd know my way around better! Ha!

  8. Thanks everyone! I feel as I have been gone for a long time.
    Myrna, I did go to the Roseville store. That store is amazing! I guess I need to get back to posting more Tablescapes and decor.


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