Lilly Dot and Jacob | Life and Linda

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Lilly Dot and Jacob

Today I am sharing pictures of my two Great-Grandkids....Yes, I said Great-Grandma.
I did start young and my daughter and her two daughters followed along.

 Lilly Dot and Jacob.

Here's Lilly Dot
 Such a princess.  She loves to pose. She is turning 4 April 19th.

 Our little Lilly is starting dancing lessons.  She is already striking the pose.

Here's Jacob...Jakey.  Our Ginger and quite the character.

His first haircut....

Such a ham....

Look at his expression...A little smirk....LOL
Jacob is turning 4 this year as well. 

About Linda @ Life and Linda

Hello, welcome to LifeandLinda. I am from Northern California. I enjoy blogging, Designing Blogs, Decorating, cooking, entertaining, gardening and clogging. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  1. GREAT grandmother?
    Unbelievable:) How lucky you are!
    They are adorable..she is quite the little the sneakers with the dres:)
    You must spoil them all at Easter!

  2. Ahhhh... aren't they just the cutest little ones! Loved those red running shoes underneath the fancy dress.

  3. They are adorable Great Grandkids. I loved the poses of both the children. My little girl grandchild likes to pose also they must be girly girls.. love it..
    You are very blessed to be able to be with your Great Grandchildren.
    All the best,

  4. Linda - They are just beautiful. Love that sweet little girl and we have special spot in our hearts for red heads! We are hoping our little new baby girl ends up with red hair like her Mama. xo Diana

  5. Linda, such a blessing to spend time with your Great-Grandchildren. I remember everything my grandparents did for us. Enjoy! xo

  6. Wow Great Grandma. I hope to look as pretty as you as a grandmother. Your great grandkids are so cute.

  7. Adorable Jake's red hair. It's hard thinking of you as a great grandmother, you hardly look old enough to be a grandmother!

  8. Hi Linda, What adorable little grands. Your pics are treasures. They are precious children and you are a gorgeous Great Grandma!! You look too young to be a grandma let alone a great grandma.
    Have a wonderful day sweet friend.

  9. Hi Linda! You have such adorable great-grand children! Are they cousins? Thanks for giving us an update on them. I hope to see more about them soon! Hope you are well! Blessings from Bama!

  10. Oh my gosh, Linda, the kids are adorable! Love the sneakers with the princess dress - perfect! They must bring you a great deal of joy. Their little faces are so sweet and their smiles full of love.
    Talk soon, Wonder Woman xoxo

  11. Absolutely precious my friend!!!!!!! Anita

  12. Adorable! I bet you love to spoil them. xo

  13. They're just adorable, Linda! I still find it hard to believe that you're a great grandma!!
    Happy Easter! xo

  14. So cute! Love her poses :-) The pink sneakers are adorable with her pretty dress! She looks so cute in her dancing outfits! Look at that red hair on Jacob!

  15. Linda, I wish I would have started having children earlier! they are so adorable. I hope they live close to you so that you can get lots of spoiling in. Joni

  16. They are both so adorable! I still can't believe you can be a great Grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must have started at 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. When I started visiting your blog I noticed the great-grans remark and thought "maybe it's not like what I think they are. she's too young even to be a granny." ;) so I thought it was a typo and never mind what the kids are to Linda - they're loved, bordering the adored, by her and sweet and beautiful as they come. When you explained in FB I almost fainted but immediately thought: "glad those gals didn't wait to fill the love with such beauty and blessing as I'm sure they touch deeply the ones they meet and they make you love them so much which is good for you :). They're too lovely and she's a blast. Yep. I'm glad all those mums went along and didn't wait to experience this.
    Thank you for sharing grown-up pictures of them. Amazing Genes nurtured by Lovely Hearts always make my day.


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